Tuesday, 19 October 2010

Two Crown Heights thugs who allegedly raped unperceiving 14-year-old lady were neighbors from hell

The Brooklyn home where a teenager was allegedly beaten, raped and unperceiving for dual weeks was a ruin residence full of assault and wild parties, neighbors said.The filth at 1499 President St. in Crown Heights was so impassioned that neighbors can hold a 14-year-old girls shocking accusations that dual men cuffed her to a chair in the groundwork and brutalized her for weeks."We all knew there were bad things function at that house," pronounced Mark Morrison, 61, who lives opposite the street.Kevin Evans and Anthony King, both 24, were arrested Wednesday and charged with abduction and rape in the conflict on the teen.Evans" mom owned the home for some-more than 10 years. When she died 6 years ago, Evans and his pals took over.Since then, the been all-night parties, unlawful wake up and even brawls that spilled in to the street, neighbors said.Several windows are blown out from a glow dual years ago, and 4 array bulls ramble the house, neighbors said.The dim groundwork where the lady was allegedly hold has a unwashed mattress on the floor, a list lonesome with cigarette butts and an dull bottle of brandy."In the summer, neighbors would call the cops each alternative night," pronounced Ivan Moore, 48, who has lived opposite the travel for seventeen years."They were the neighbors from hell," pronounced Moore. "[Evans is] going to be a guest at Hotel Rikers Island, and I think everybody is relieved."
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