Wednesday, 20 October 2010

Daily Dividend Report Integrys Keeps The Power On

Friday morning, Integrys Energy Group spoken the quarterly division of 68 cents per share, progressing the volume paid last quarter. Based on the stream batch price, investors can design a produce of about 5.6% going forward.Shares of Integrys ( TEG - news - people ) drifted lower, off 1.2%.emailprintreprintnewslettercommentssharedel.icio.usDigg It!yahooFacebookTwitterRedditrssforbes: alternative division news, Family Dollar Stores ( FDO - news - people ) confirmed the quarterly division of 15.5 cents per share. Alliant Energy ( LNT - news - people ) confirmed the quarterly division of 39.5 cents per share.Among division reductions, Anworth Mortgage voiced the quarterly division of twenty-seven cents per share, a diminution of about 4% from the before division in Dec of twenty-eight cents. Mesabi Trust ( MSB - news - people ) voiced the quarterly division of 12.5 cents per share, a diminution of about 77% from the before division in Jan of 55 cents.Market News Video produces and distributes online videos about bonds and investing.
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